
Did you know that this is the King of the Banana Steam Boats and Little Max pictures it exactly this way? I think it looks quite cool- I’d go on a trip for sure. Looks like an adventure and liberty. Dontcha think?

Find the original here.

Bananas vs. rasperries

Bananas are not very useful for painting. Rasperries are much better for that, because they’re red, which means more attention.

Banana or Banana

Often you ask yourself why you’re learning a foreign language when you realize that you won’t even get what you want when you use it. Especially in the Domenican Republic you should take care of one or two things when you’re getting bananas so you don’t look like these two Germans:

Banana avoids DDR

Believing an old rumor from the former East Germany, the banana’s only bent because it has to avoid the DDR.

Banana Royal

Again something with Rum… helping the Caribbeans get rid of it.

Take: A Hurricane Glass. Don’t know what that is? Okay, it’s a Fancy Glass. Yeah, very witty. Alright, now we need 5 cl of dark Rum, 2 cl of cream, 4 cl Cream of Coconut, 8 cl of pineapple juice and half a banana. Put it in the mixer, mix it, pour it into the glass and decorate with a pineapple and a banana chop. Kampai!

Old Bananas

Did you know that bananas are one of the oldest economic plants in the world? For that age they’re still looking mighty fine at least, don’t they?

Bananas as employers

The Dole Food Company, Inc., which is one of the world’s biggest banana producers and banana exporteurs, employs about 47 000 people and about 25- 30000 season workers. And Dole has also the largest vessel ship armada.