Got Banana?

Got Banana?First and foremost, hello and a very warm welcome to


I’m sure you’re all scratching your head asking what the hell this is all about. I’ll help you with an easy answer:

On YES! WE HAVE NO BANANAS it’s all about fun and entertainment of a different kind – entertainment on bananas, a little yellow fruit we don’t pay enough attention to. Here you’ll find out all there is to know about bananas. It could be history, heritage, how that tasty thing came to Europe, the great trips it has to survive through the Caribbean, and many more facts you’ve never known. You’ll find out things about the banana in the art world and helpful tips for your everyday life.

If you want to find good websites about the banana or collect ideas for your health, you’ll always be at the right spot here, just as well as we’ll stuff you with recipes and cocktails that have one thing in common: They contain banana.

No matter what you’re looking for, we’ve got it, packed up in small articles, always surprising and innovative. You’ll never believe what those yellow things can do. Information on art, music, design, business, cooking, knowledge, psyche, pictures and so much more. We’ll make you know and love the banana so much, you’ll never just rip off the peel and eat again – first you’ll smirk.

Look at the weirdest photos and videos and become a part of YES! WE HAVE NO BANANAS by taking an active role in our website. As a reporter, banana artist or as photographer. Which opportunities we offer you are found on each site of the navigation bar. Just take a look around and help the world understand the banana!

Oh and, before I forget – you sure are asking yourself why someone would figure out such a nutty idea. That’s easy, too. I woke up just like every day and prepared my morning granola. I stood there, peeling and cutting my banana as always. And just while I was there, it came to me, and I realized that there are so many things that I didn’t know about this fruit, although I ate and digested it on a daily base. And that’s it. That’s how the idea was born, and this is the outcome. I hope you like what you see, and that you’ll never want to spend another day without bananas.

That all said, I wish you lots of fun and good entertainment at


Tune in every day so you don’t miss out any great knowledge, be an active member of our newly established banana society and be excited on what’s still left to come.

I’ll bend over in appreciation, just like my yellow fellow does. Got banana?


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