Entries stocked at ‘recipes‘


You cook a sunny-side up without any accidents and manage to get out a pizza out of the oven without 3rd degree burns? Perfect! How about a career as chef? If you're now able to create more than a fuzzy bratwurst, you have good chances to present your kitchen genius to our willing-to-learn readers. Learn how we work it at the kitchen.

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Banana mousse is a not so complicated desert which you can make easily for all your beloved guests.

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Roasted banana with honey and vanilla yogurt

Roasted bananas with honey and vanilla yogurt is a heavenly dessert and is always a winner with your guests.

Read article Roasted banana with honey and vanilla yogurt »

Pineapple Banana Cream

More than just a sweet sin. It is the one an only sin and you´ll get definitely addicted to the delicious pineapple banana creme.

Read article Pineapple Banana Cream »

Grilled banana with bacon

Grilled banana with bacon is a very delicious surprise at any Barbecue. Your guests will enjoy it with a glass of white wine.

Read article Grilled banana with bacon »

Colorful banana cream

The colorful strawberry banana cream is a deliciously tasting and very refreshing drink consisting of yogurt and curd and is edible for those without any teeth too.

Read article Colorful banana cream »

Chocolate banana cake

The chocolate banana cake is just about the best cake you can work up in your oven.

Read article Chocolate banana cake »

Grilled choco banana

A grilled chocolate banana is a classic with it’s fellow grill desserts and doesn’t leave anybody cold.

Read article Grilled choco banana »